Draft Luss Traffic Management Order

Details of the Draft Traffic Management Order for Luss.

Argyll and Bute Council proposes to make a traffic regulation order introducing traffic management on various streets, within Luss, and the Old A82, to preserve and improve the amenities of the area (Luss Village) and improve road safety by providing new measures to manage inconsiderate and irresponsible parking.  Due to objections and in line with legal requirements, a process leading to a hearing is now ongoing with an Independent Reporter.  This section of our website provides documentation on the process and hearing.  

Background to the Order

Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee September 2021 (6)

Helensburgh and Lomond Area Committee September 2020 (6)

Scope of the Order

A summary of the proposals are as follows:-     

  • The Prohibition of Driving within the core village area that will prohibit all vehicles except for access to premises within that area, which comprises mainly residents and business owners;
  • The same core village area will be covered by a restricted parking zone that will prohibit waiting of all vehicles unless displaying a permit.  Permits will only be available to residents and business owners located within the defined zone;
  • These proposed traffic management arrangements are required to be implemented to support local residents and the local economy, safeguarding access for blue badge holders, for deliveries and to maintain access for emergency services vehicles as well as ensuring road safety;
  • Parking (waiting and loading) will also be prohibited on the old A82 except within marked parking bays, which will be time restricted to provide short stay parking adjacent to Luss primary school and local shops; and
  • Visitors wishing to stay for longer periods should make use of the off street car parking provision

Please refer to Traffic Management Order (TRO)

Potential Modifications of the Order

 Potential Modification


List of objectors to this order.

The hearing, including pre-hearing requirements

Hearing Notice

Hearing Agenda

Reporter’s Guidance Note On Further Written Submissions

Reporter’s Guidance Note On Written Statements For Hearing Sessions

Dialogue between Reporter and Council

Dialogue 1

Dialogue 2

Dialogue 3

Dialogue 4

Dialogue 5

Dialogue 6-26

Dialogue 27 - The Reporter has asked me to let you know that he made unaccompanied visits to Luss village during the recent bank holiday week-end, ie on the afternoon of Saturday 4 June and the morning of Sunday 5 June. 

Dialogue 28

Council.  Luss off-street order and amendment order attached.  The permit fees referenced below are the off-street car park permits charges.  Although not directly related to the Luss TM Order, the objections are, in my view, valid.  The restrictions in the number of vehicles able to access the core village roads will require some drivers to make use of the off-street car park (e.g. visitors, business staff).  It may not be resolvable within this process but they are, in my view, legitimate objections.

Reporter.  One matter arises now on point 11.  It would help the Reporter's current understanding of the parking position in Luss if you could indicate to which parking places the various charges (“Quarterly - £139, 6 monthly - £258, 9 monthly - £371, Annual - £489”) relate.  

Council.  I’ve attached a copy of the Luss off-street order and amendment order.  Both Orders contain a plan view of the car park.  I’ve also attached plan showing the car parks location in relation to the core village, the car park is outlined in red for ease of reference.

Council.  The Councils Fees & Charges for parking can be viewed at Parking and electric vehicle charging fees and charges 2022/2023 (argyll-bute.gov.uk)

Dialogue 29 


 Arising from the information presented so far, and in the light of some of the objections, the Reporter considers it important for him to have further basic information not so far provided. He therefore asks the Council for the following information as soon as possible: 

  • Number of resident households in Luss village core. 
  • Maximum number of on-street parking permits valid at any one time issued under the TTRO to resident households in Luss village core. 
  • Number of businesses in Luss village core. 
  • Maximum number of on-street parking permits valid at any one time issued under the TTRO to businesses in Luss village core. 
  • Number of resident households in Luss parish. 
  • Number of businesses in Luss parish. 

The Reporter anticipates that this information will provide a useful factual basis for discussion at the hearing on a variety of matters, including parking demand and potential income from the proposed permit scheme. 


  • Number of resident households in Luss village core.   67 
  • Maximum number of on-street parking permits valid at any one time issued under the TTRO to resident households in Luss village core. 89 
  • Number of businesses in Luss village core. 19 
  • Maximum number of on-street parking permits valid at any one time issued under the TTRO to businesses in Luss village core. 3 
  • Number of resident households in Luss parish. 187 
  • Number of businesses in Luss parish.  154 

With regards to the number of businesses listed, some of the addresses have residential and several corporate addresses on the council systems, i.e. farm and chalet 1-5 listed as commercial with the farm having a residential listing also.  Therefore the figures reflect that there are a number of properties with multiple corporate and residential listings. 


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