Bute bin collection

Household rubbish and recycling collections for the Isle of Bute

To find your upcoming collection dates and PDF bin calendar:
- Enter your postcode and press search, then select your address from the drop-down and press search again
- at the end of the list of dates, click on Download PDF Calendar for a copy of your bin calendar

Find your bin collection calendar by entering your postcode

Please put your bin out by 7am on your collection day

Read our Questions and Answers about bin collections

Blue bin info - new

Blue bin for mixed recycling

Your blue bin is collected every 2 weeks, and is for mixed recycling of paper, card and cardboard; plastic bottles, pots, tubs and trays; and cartons.

Find out more about what goes in your blue bin here

Blue wheelie bin
Green bin - new

Green bin for general waste

Your green bin is for non-recyclable rubbish, and is collected every 3 weeks.

Only 1 green bin per household will be emptied (apart from some exceptions - find out more in our FAQs)

Find out more about what goes in your green bin here

Green wheelie bin

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