Clipper Round the World Yacht Race

Find out more about the events happening in Oban and parking arrangements in the town. 

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Can you make a better journey? Could you leave the car behind, where possible and make a shorter journey by cycling, walking or taking the bus? This summer, Argyll and Bute Council is encouraging more people to try to make a small change that will benefit your health, wallet, and the planet. Take part in the better journeys photo competition and win a £50 Love Local gift card.

Help other families and the environment this summer by reusing and recycling outgrown school uniform.

The Clipper Round the World Yacht Race will arrive in Oban this weekend and, as part of bringing the event and its benefits to Oban, Argyll and Bute Council has put some traffic management arrangements in place and is encouraging people to use public transport where possible.

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