

Digital training boost for Argyll and Bute businesses

Businesses in Argyll and Bute will benefit from digital skills training and one-to-one expert help thanks to £48,000 in Scottish Government funding. Business Gateway Argyll and Bute will deliver 19 DigitalBoost workshops and up to 20 one-to-one expert sessions with the funding, which is part of a Scotland-wide fund to continue the successful training until at least 2020.

8 July 2019

Cothroman air trèanadh ann an sgilean didseatach do ghnothachasan Earra-Ghàidheal is Bhòid

Gheibh gnothachasan ann an Earra-Ghàidheal is Bòd cothroman air trèanadh ann an sgilean didseatach agus comhairle bho eòlaichean mar thoradh air maoineachadh luach £48,000 bho Riaghaltas na h-Alba. Bheir Fosglan Gnothachais Earra-Ghàidheal is Bhòid 19 bùithtean-obrach DigitalBoost seachad agus suas ri 20 seisean bho eòlaichean far am bi iad a’ toirt comhairle seachad do ghnothachasan fa leth, agus tha sin mar phàirt de sgeama maoineachaidh nàiseanta gus trèanadh a lìbhrigeadh gu co-dhiù 2020.

8 July 2019

A is for Adoption

Over the next few weeks we'll be publishing an A to Z of council services, focussing on a different letter each day, to show you some of the work that staff are doing behind the scenes. We're kicking off the process today with: A for Adoption Every child deserves the best start in life and that’s why the council and its partners are working hard to encourage more people to consider adoption. Lorraine Prentice is the council’s Practice Lead for adoption and fostering.

8 July 2019

Oban and Mull projects to benefit from Town Centre Fund

Argyll and Bute Council can confirm that two projects in Oban and a third on Mull will benefit from a share of £1.2million from the Scottish Government’s Town Centre Fund. The three projects in the Oban, Lorn and the Isles (OLI) area to benefit are the Rockfield Centre, Oban Town Centre interpretation signage, and the first phase of the Tobermory Harbour and Public Realm enhancements.

5 July 2019

Pròiseactan san Òban is ann am Muile a’ faotainn taic bhon Mhaoin Meadhan Baile

’S urrainn do Chomhairle Earra-Ghàidheal is Bhòid dearbhadh gu bheil dà phròiseact san Òban agus fear ann am Muile air pàirt den £1.2 millean fhaighinn a tha ri fhaotainn bhon Mhaoin Meadhan Baile aigRiaghaltas na h-Alba. ’S iad na trì pròiseactan ann an sgìre an Òbain, Latharna is nan Eilean a gheibh taic: Ionad Achadh na Creige san Òban, soidhnichean mìneachaidh ann am Meadhan Baile an Òbain, agus a’ chiad ìre de leasachaidhean air Caladh is Raon Poblach Thobar Mhoire.

5 July 2019
Advertising boards

New project to bring end to Oban street clutter

Argyll and Bute Council and BID4Oban Ltd (Oban Business Improvement District) are working to find a solution to cut down on pavement signage in the town, while improving information to residents and visitors. This is a partnership solution to remove unauthorised signage that will benefit both pedestrians and retailers. Proposals are in place to replace all the existing town centre notice boards and install additional boards across the town.

4 July 2019
A photo of Cameron Allen at Oban Airport

Cameron grateful for Oban Airport fundraiser

A former Oban High School pupil will be able to attend a Meteorological course thanks to the kindness of local people. Cameron Allen dreamed of attending the 10-day Meteorological Observers course in Aberdeen, but as he has Osteogenesis Imperfecta (also known as Brittle Bone Disease), he would need the support of his family throughout the stay.

3 July 2019
Councillor Aileen Morton, David Mundell and Cleland Sneddon

Excellence, innovation and adventure: Argyll and Bute’s Rural Growth Deal has it all

‘This will bring benefits for everyone’ - that was the message for the UK Government at the latest Argyll and Bute Rural Growth Deal talks.  Argyll and Bute Council Leader, Councillor Aileen Morton, met with the Secretary of State for Scotland, David Mundell MP, in Edinburgh on 27th June, to discuss progressing the potentially transformational Deal for Argyll and Bute.

3 July 2019

Next step for Helensburgh Waterfront Development

Helensburgh Pier could play a key part in delivering the town’s waterfront development successfully. The contractor appointed to deliver the £18million project will, if required, have access to the pier for project-related uses such as receiving supplies. Progress has been made in raising understanding in the construction industry of the project’s requirements, with a number of potential bidders responding to the initial tender issued by Argyll and Bute Council.

2 July 2019

Council reaffirms commitment to tackling child poverty

Argyll and Bute Council reaffirmed its commitment to tackling child poverty when members approved a draft Child Poverty Action Plan at 27 June's full council. The plan sets out what steps the council will take to tackle and raise awareness of child poverty and its intended outcomes. 

28 June 2019
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