

Council Leader welcomes town centre funding

The Leader of Argyll and Bute Council has welcomed today’s announcement that Argyll and Bute is to benefit from an allocation of £1,242,000 from the Scottish Government’s Town Centre Fund.   The Town Centre Fund is aimed at driving forward economic growth and helping town centres to become more diverse and sustainable.  

1 March 2019
Free visual merchandising event for retail businesses

Free 'visual merchandising' event for Campbeltown retail businesses

As part of the Campbeltown Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme (CARS), Argyll and Bute Council is hosting a free event for retail businesses, offering advice and tips on Visual Merchandising. Lynda Murray, MD of International Visual, will be presenting ideas and tips for store design, window displays and visual merchandising during a 60 minute presentation followed by an open Q&A session at 6.30pm on Thursday, March 21 at Campbeltown Town Hall (54 Main Street).

28 February 2019

Free nursery registration

Parents of children in Argyll and Bute who were born between 1 March 2016 and 28 February 2017, are being invited to register them for a free Early Learning and Childcare place next week.

27 February 2019

Inspectors praise Barcaldine in latest HMI report

Pupils at Barcaldine Primary School are polite, enthusiastic and friendly children who demonstrate creativity and independence in their learning.   These were the words of inspectors from Education Scotland following a recent visit to the school.   In a glowing HMI report, pupils at Barcaldine are described as being kind and supportive to one another, and are rightly very proud of their school and their many achievements.  

27 February 2019

World War One Committee holds final meeting

It was the end of an era at Kilmory last week when members of the WW1 Commemorative Steering Group gathered for their last ever meeting.   The group was established five years ago to actively engage with people of all ages, and support an ambitious programme of commemorative events.  

25 February 2019

Mull student gains industry recognised qualification

An S3 pupil from Tobermory High School has become the first student in Argyll and Bute to achieve an industry recognised qualification that’s aimed specifically at teaching staff.   Jakub Marzec is one of a number of pupils at the school using Google’s G Suite to develop their digital skills, but the youngster has done so well that he’s gone on to gain Level 1 Google Certified Educator status in process.  

21 February 2019
a picture of coins

The responsible budget set for 2019/20

“The challenges we face are substantial. We need to have the ambition, the determination and the drive to do more than just survive, to do more than just protect the existence of this council and its essential services. “Setting a responsible budget for Argyll and Bute is about making choices that support people and communities now, and also look after the future of Argyll and Bute – and that’s what we’ve done.” These were the words of Councillor Aileen Morton, Leader of Argyll and Bute Council, following the budget-setting meeting today (21 February).

21 February 2019

Provost statement on Alesha MacPhail

Len Scoullar, Councillor for the Isle of Bute and Provost of Argyll and Bute, said: “Words cannot begin to explain the pain and anguish being felt by everyone in our very caring community here on Bute. Alesha will never be forgotten by the people of Bute, and my thoughts are with Alesha’s loved ones at this most awful time.”

21 February 2019
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