

Free parking just the ticket at Helensburgh Waterfront

Councillors have put the wheels in motion on a new plan to provide free parking at the Helensburgh Waterfront car park.   Proposals for parking to be free for the first two hours, delivering a major boost to local people using Helensburgh’s newly-opened leisure centre and swimming pool, have been approved.   The move will also benefit the town’s businesses, allowing local people and visitors plenty of time to enjoy shops and other attractions around the waterfront area and town centre, with parking changes only applying after the two-hour window.  

29 September 2022

Call for ‘ground to be broken’ on the new Rest and Be Thankful

“We need to see a significant leap forward towards a permanent solution our communities desperately need; where ground is broken and works progressed for both the interim and permanent solution at the Rest and Be Thankful”. These were the words of Councillor Robin Currie, Leader of Argyll and Bute Council, at this week’s council meeting, calling for urgent action on a permanent solution for the new Rest and Be Thankful.

29 September 2022

Safety standards key to new short-term let licence plan

Improving safety standards for short-term lets, creating positive visitor experiences and tackling antisocial behaviour for local residents – the aims of a new short-term licensing scheme that comes into force in Argyll and Bute from 1 October. New short term let business owners need to apply for the license from the 1st of October, with existing businesses invited to apply between January and 1 April 2023.

29 September 2022

Plans for a new school campus on Mull take a step forward

Plans for a new school campus on Mull took a step forward today when members of Argyll and Bute Council agreed to submit a business case and funding application to the Scottish Government’s Learning Estate Investment Programme (LEIP). This decision follows a series of public engagement sessions on Mull over the last few weeks, to gather people’s views on what type of campus would work for the island. The sessions were well attended and overwhelming support was expressed.

29 September 2022

Promoting the case for Rothesay Pavilion

A ‘top 10’ national tourism and cultural destination that reaffirms Bute as one of the best places to live and visit – these are just two of the roles campaigners have their sights set on for Rothesay Pavilion, if they can secure the additional funding needed to transform this much loved, iconic 20th century building. 

28 September 2022

Dunoon Grammar School makes final 3 for World’s Best School Prize for Community Collaboration - Issued on behalf of T4 Education

Outstanding Scottish school named Top 3 finalist for new $250,000 World’s Best School Prizes Dunoon Grammar School makes final 3 for World’s Best School Prize for Community CollaborationAn outstanding Scottish school has been named a Top 3 finalist for the new $250,000 World’s Best School Prizes, launched this year by T4 Education in collaboration with Accenture and American Express.

22 September 2022

Changes to Kintyre and the Islands by-election deadlines

The deadlines have changed for people wishing to register to vote and/or request a postal vote in the Kintyre and Islands by-election. These changes are due to 19 September being a declared a national day of mourning for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The new deadlines are as follows: Last day to register to vote - 12 September at midnight.Deadline to apply for a postal vote - 13 Septembe

12 September 2022

Flag flying

Like other public organisations, the council has followed national guidance on flag-flying following the sad passing of Her Majesty the Queen. Following confirmation of Her death on the evening of Thursday 8th September, the Union flag was flown at half-mast on all council flagpoles. It will be restored to full mast from just before 11am on Saturday 10th September, until just after 1pm on Sunday 11th September. During this period, the King will be officially proclaimed nationally (on Saturday) and locally (on Sunday).

9 September 2022

Accession to the throne – local proclamation Sunday 12.45

On Sunday at 12.45, Argyll and Bute’s Proclamation, announcing a new Monarch, will take place at Lochgilphead Front Green. This will follow Scotland’s Proclamation at 12.30. To enable this, roads immediately leading up to Colchester Square (Argyll Street and A83) will be closed for a short time. Diversions will be in place; given alternative roads available, HGVs will be asked to wait. Roads will re-open as soon as possible after the Proclamation has been read. Attached is information on parking options at this time. For anyone affected – thank you for your co-operation.

9 September 2022

Argyll and Bute moves into 5th place in national table

New figures published by Skills Development Scotland show that 93.9% of young people in Argyll and Bute are currently in education, employment or training, putting the area in 5th place out of all 32 Scottish local authorities. The Annual Participation Measure reports on the economic and employment activity of 16-19 year olds in Scotland and is the source of the Scottish Government’s National Performance indicator. This year’s figures show a 0.4% rise in Argyll and Bute compared with 2021 and a jump from 10th to 5th in the national table.

8 September 2022
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