
Have your say on a proposed Tarbert walking and cycling route

Argyll and Bute Council is inviting people to have their say on a proposed walking and cycling route that will link the ferry terminals at Tarbert and Kennacraig, making it safer and easier for more people to choose to walk and cycle to nearby services and facilities.

18 June 2024
examples of voter id

Don't forget your Voter ID

If you want to vote in person in the UK General Election, you’ll need to bring photo ID with you.

12 June 2024
Chalkboard with the word nomination

Could you represent your community?

Are you interested in representing your local community? Do you want to play a part in shaping the services that local people use?

10 June 2024
Three young people in hi-vis vests visiting a local business

Supporting Argyll and Bute’s young people

Ensuring young people develop the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in the world of work by connecting them and their schools with employers, is having a positive effect across Argyll and Bute.

5 June 2024
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