
Image shows four hands holding up a red sign with the words funding

Funding available for community groups

Could your community group benefit from up to £2,500 in funding?
Argyll and Bute Council Supporting Communities Fund, which helps community groups across the area deliver a variety of projects, is now open for applications for 2024/25.

5 February 2024
Images shows wooden letters spelling out the word update on a blue background

RAAC removal works scheduled for John Logie Baird Primary School

A new temporary modular school complete with gym hall, classrooms and a learning centre will help minimise disruption and ensure continued learning for John Logie Baird pupils as work to remove RAAC from the existing building starts in July.

2 February 2024

Have your say on Burnside Square

Argyll and Bute Council is inviting residents and businesses in Campbeltown to take part in a public consultation and drop-in event to give their views on what final additions they would like to see in the town’s newly refurbished Burnside Square.

30 January 2024

Helensburgh Waterfront Development update

Creating employment, supporting the town centre and providing community leisure opportunities have been core to the redevelopment of Helensburgh’s waterfront.

29 January 2024
Images shows two adults and a young child on bikes

Second stage designs for Rosneath travel route

Following a public consultation in 2023, a proposed travel route linking Rosneath with the Castle Caravan Park is progressing to the second design stage. The proposed route will offer further opportunities to walk, cycle and wheel in the local area and help create a climate friendly Argyll and Bute.

24 January 2024
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